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上海交大研究:吃辣椒对糖尿病大有好处,吃干辣椒好还是鲜辣椒好参考资料:[1]Min Wu, Guangping Song, et al., Innervation of nociceptor neurons in the spleen promotes germinal center responses and humoral immunity, Cell, May 20, 2024. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2024.04.027[2]Anti-inflammatory effect of capsaicin in Helicobacter pylori-infected g...


∪▽∪ NGC 4945中的超大质量黑洞是怎么形成的?500万年前,NGC 4945(位于半人马座的一个螺旋星系)的中心黑洞爆发时,巨大的冷气体云被爆炸穿透了螺旋星系。(主)插图展示了一次黑洞爆发(顶部插图);XMM-Newton用X射线看到的NGC 4945(底部插图)在可见光下的同一个星系(图片来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech/Weaver et al. 2024, ESA/...


˙△˙ 105岁杨绛的养生秘诀:走路、喝水都靠边站,真正要坚持这4件参考资料:[1]段蕾蕾, 等. 八段锦对社区老年人平衡功能影响效果的整群随机对照试验研究[J]. 中华流行病学杂志, 2024, 45(2): 250-256.[2]Acosta-Rodríguez V, Rijo-Ferreira F, Izumo M, et al. Circadian alignment of early onset caloric restriction promotes longevity in male C57BL/6J mice [p...


人体最脆弱的4个器官,常做这几件事,当心加速报废参考资料:[1]Stine, J. G., DiJoseph, K., Pattison, Z., Harrington, A.; et al(2022). Exercise Training Is Associated With Treatment Response in Liver Fat Content by Magnetic Resonance Imaging Independent of Clinically Significant Body Weight Loss in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver D...


o(╯□╰)o 身体越来越累却查不出原因?小心这1种全身疾病,或久拖成癌参考资料:[1]David Furman et al, Chronic inflammation in the etiology of disease across the life span,Nat Med. 2019 Dec;25(12):1822-1832.[2]Wahid, A. et al. Quantifying the association between physical activity and cardiovascular disease and diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analy...


找到了!贫瘠火星的生命之源!大众科学家贡献重大!以经纬度记录火星尘埃云出现的方位(图片来源:美国国家航天局/Slipski et al合成图片) 有一个激奋人心的故事:一支由大众天文“天文狂热者”组成的科学家队伍和美国国家航天局(NASA)合作,将火星上的云层位置做成了地图,可视的云层方便了科学家观测火星上这些云层的聚集过程和移...


o(?""?o 喝酒时,若脸上出现2种颜色,说明你的肝脏已经受损了参考资料:[1]Wood, A. M., Kaptoge, S.et.al. Risk thresholds for alcohol consumption: combined analysis of individual-participant data for 599912 current drinkers in 83 prospective studies. The Lancet.2018.doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(18)30134-x[2]Zhenping Zhao, Limin Wang, Mei Zhang, Xia...


八成肠癌是息肉变的,肠子里长息肉的三个表现,很多人都忽略了参考资料:[1]Song MY, et al.Risk of colorectal cancer in first degree relatives of patients with colorectal polyps:nationwide case-control study in Sweden.BMJ.2021 May 4;373:n877. doi: 10.1136/bmj.n877.[2]《肠息肉,切不切?医生说:85%的肠癌由它引起!》.深圳市人民医院.2021-03-19[3]息...


巨星参宿四的沸腾表面可能正在创造一种错觉#图文万粉激励计划#“它仍然感觉有点像科幻电影,好像我们去过那里近距离观看它。结果是如此令人兴奋”。来自参宿四模拟的快照显示了对流如何主导其表面(右)蓝色斑块显示了参宿四远离地球的区域,红色区域是向地球移动的区域。(图片来源:MPA/Ma,Jing-Ze et al)最近对位于猎户...

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久坐时间和寿命有关?多长时间叫久坐?运动能否抵消久坐的危害?参考资料:[1]Aviroop Biswas, Paul I. Oh, Guy E. Faulkner, et al. Sedentary Time and Its Association With Risk for Disease Incidence, Mortality, and Hospitalization in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Ann Intern Med.2015;162:123-132. [Epub 20 January 2015].[2]Zhou H, Nie J...


